Archive | July 2016

Winter’s Kiss – sequel to The Biting Cold

Apologies for the silence on the blog this last six weeks.

Winter’s Kiss takes the story started in The Biting Cold and weaves it into the Bite Back series. The timeline for them to join up is the end of Angel Stakes. Both The Biting Cold and Winter’s Kiss are short stories (20k and 30k words respectively). Since they are a separate story, but part of Bite Back, and since Amazon really likes series to have names, I’ve decided to all this mini-series Bite Back: Diazoun. The word diazoun is Athanate. It’s the term used for Athanate Houses who isolate themselves from Athanate society.

There may be a third short story in this series.

When? Well, Winter’s Kiss is under the editor’s red pen as I type this. Sooooon.

The original cover image I wanted for Winter’s Kiss was too dark, and I wanted to keep to black letters, so I took the opportunity to rework the two book covers side by side. Please feed back your thoughts!

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