Archive | April 2015

Hidden Trump audio version

I was hoping to post news of the release in the next few weeks.

However, I’m afraid the project has received a setback. I just received an email from Kimberly Henrie, the narrator, who was scheduled to be most of the way through production by now. Unfortunately, she’s had to withdraw for personal reasons.

I don’t need to tell you that this is a blow. I am back to searching for narrators who capture that elusive Amber quality.

I cannot make a prediction about the delivery at the present and I apologise for the delays. Any developments will be posted here.

New Covers

Okay. Promised to show you the new book covers.

Deep breath… here they are, live from today:

20150406 New Covers


A flavor of detective noir… a consistency of imagery… a boldness and simplicity of design to stand out on Amazon.

So what do you think?